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We Are Scheduling Our 2017 School Talks Now!
Sample of Assembly/Classroom Talk Topics
We conduct school assemblies and classroom talks at no charge as a community service. Here is a sample of the topics we are prepared to present:
Red Ribbon (5 ways to say no to Drugs)
ABC’S of Conflict Avoidance – Primarily teaches avoidance strategies: Avoid potentially dangerous situations; be calm/breathe; Communicate with confidence; don’t make it worse by arguing or fighting.
Stranger Alert/No-Go-Yell-Tell- Teaches how to identify a lure and what to do: What is a stranger? There is a difference between niceness and goodness; common lures; Bribery lure; Assistance lure; Directions lure; internet lure; Kids are strangers too.
Five Rules of Personal Safety- What to do when confronted ( in the schoolyard) and how to resolve the situation peacefully; Use your mind-Create safe habits; Use your words- How to talk to a bully; Use your legs- Chicken versus coward; Ask for help- Tell a teacher/Tell a parent/Tell a friend
Trust Your Intuition- Teaches practical techniques to fine-tune awareness and intuition: Who to ask for help; Who to ask for help; Boundary setting/Be aware but not on guard; Good touch/Bad touch- No secrets; If in doubt…Get out
Good Attitude- Teaches values and benefits of having the right attitude for success: Having a “what it takes” attitude; Having an “Attitude of gratitude” Being a “Good finder” Being loyal to those not present.
Good Habits- Teaches practical ways to develop self-discipline, responsibility and focus; you don’t have to want to do it; you just do it. Dinner before dessert/instant gratification vs. long-term benefits, Always take responsibility for your actions, and Where ever you are… be there.
Good Self-Control– Teaches practical ways to control and channel emotions. Mind over emotion; Balance over emotion; Words over emotion
Good Manners– Emphasizes the benefits of courtesy and respect. Polite greeting; Showing respect; Playground manners; Magic words and how to say them.
Qualities of Black Belt Excellence– Respect, Courage, Self-Control, Self-Discipline and Commitment.
Self-Defense- How to avoid dangerous situations and what to do if you need to defend yourself.
Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy
Dragon Gate is such a fantastic place for children to not only train physically, but to also develop confidence, patience and respect for themselves and others. Our son has learned valuable self defense.
Matt Roswell
My kids have been involved at DG for several years and are closing in on their Black Belts. The instructors have consistently been of high quality and exude an emphasis on both physical and emotional development.
John Callahan
Great place! My son loves it! They keep the kids engaged while teaching a little discipline. What more could you ask for?!?
Anthony Sanseverino