

Confidence Is Contagious

This month we are going to be talking about developing a Positive Self-Image: What is a Self-Image? Your Self-Image is how you see yourself. It is a subconscious picture you have of yourself. Why is [...]

Tips To Help Increase Your Child’s Focus

Focusing on a task for any length of time isn’t easy. Helping your child learn to Focus is a very important life skill. Here are some Ideas we use in our classes at Dragon Gate. [...]

Whats Your Why?

Whats Your Why? When you have a Why for doing Martial Arts or Anything for that matter. It will be easier to stay committed to doing it. If your why is simply because you like [...]

New Beginnings

We have all heard the old saying. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" That saying is partially true. In reality, this moment is the first moment of the rest of [...]

Best School Year Ever

Suggestions To Help Your Child Establish Habits That Will Help Them Be Successful In School Establish & Write out a Daily Routine Write out a schedule listing the time your child will get up, eat [...]

Become Your Best Self

Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of athlete and achieve your fitness goals

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