Be Careful With The Story You Tell Yourself!

Hi Today I wanted to write about Your Story. Everybody has a story they tell themselves. This can be a good thing or this can be a bad thing depending on what the story is. Actually we have many stories that we tell ourselves.  These stories are what have gotten us to the point we are at in our lives today. The stories we tell ourselves will control our choices we make also. Let me try to give you an example have you ever tried to find something and you keep telling yourself you don’t know where it is. I know I have done this. I did it with my car keys once. I walk into the kitchen about 5 times saying I don’t know where my car keys are. I’m looking all over the place and getting frustrated because I can’t find them. All the while I’m saying I don’t know where my car keys are, my wife then walks into the kitchen and pulls them right off the counter where I left them. Why didn’t I see them? Because your mind will do everything in its power to prove that you are right. So because I believed that I did not know where my car keys were and I kept saying I don’t know where my car keys were my mind proved it to me by creating a blind spot. I bet everyone has experienced this at some point in their life. We hear these types of stories all the time. Here’s a few below that people tell themselves all the time.
1. I’m over weight because I am big boned!
2. I Don’t Have enough Time!
3. I Can’t Do That!

These are just 3 Stories that people use to tell themselves! I know all of these pretty well in my family we are pretty big boned. But that’s not the reason about 2 months ago I weighed about 15 pounds heavier. I still have the same size bones. I just started eating better and working out every day. And because of those new choices I lost about 15 pounds. But If I told myself I was big boned I would believe that being overweight is out of my control and I would not even try.

I lived the Second one also I don’t have enough time to Work out. Everyone has the same amount of time. We all have 24 hours a day to do the things we need to do. I had gotten into the habit of staying up late and then getting up right before I had to be at my business in the morning. I was not even giving myself enough time to eat breakfast. So I decided one day that enough is enough. I’m getting up and going to the Gym.  Now I’m getting up at 5:30 going to the Gym working out getting home at 7am eating something and getting more done during the day because I am energized from working out. But If I kept telling myself that I don’t have enough time my mind would have proved that story to me over and over again.

(I Can’t)Students in my school still get pushups for saying these 2 evil words. Any time you tell yourself you can’t do something you are Right. You have to believe you Can. This is one of the worst story’s people tell themselves or even tell their kids. Stop this one. Don’t say it. A couple of examples are below.

1. I can’t do push ups.
2. I Can’t Run.
3. I can’t eat healthy because it’s more expensive!
4. I can’t hold down a Job
5. I can’t hold down a relationship
6. I Can’t Make More Money
7. I can’t learn new things to help me!

These are all not true but If your story is that you can’t Then your mind will prove to you that you are right and in 5 years from now you will be in the same spot you are right now or worse off then you are right now.
It’s time for a change and all you have to do Is change the story you are telling yourself and start working toward the goals you want. Stop procrastinating because maybe what you want to do is going to take some time to do it. Guess what time is going to go by anyway, wouldn’t it be better if you just got started working on that goal. If you want to get in shape start working out. If you want more money start looking for a better job or if you are in business for yourself how can you serve better. If you can’t get a job maybe it’s time to re tool and learn something new and change careers. Anything is possible as long as the story you tell yourself allows you to do it.

Hope This Helps 

Shihan Mike Iannone